Here’s a few updates on what’s new with Assignr.
New Reports
We are excited to announce that the Assignr reporting system now has:
- a new Venue report,
- a new Billing Detail report, and
- PDF versions of every report we provide.
Our reporting system now allows you to generate both a CSV spreadsheet and a PDF version of the same report.
Restrict Positions by Group
For assignors who assign table officials, such as scorekeepers and timekeepers, we have some new functionality that will help make your assigning a bit easier.
Previously, if you wanted to ensure that only timekeepers are assigned to a timekeeper position on a game, you would indicate that the timekeeper is not qualified to work a Referee position by using either the Ability page or the Groups and Rules functionality. When assigning a timekeeper, you would still see a list of people that included both timekeepers and floor officials, even though you might never assign someone who is a timekeeper as a referee or an umpire on a game.
Now you can specify that certain positions are restricted by group. When you assign a position that has been restricted, you will only see the people who can actually work that specific position. This makes your assigning process much easier… when assigning a timekeeper, you will only see timekeepers in the list of officials who can be assigned to the timekeeper position.
We have written a short Help Center article describing what this does and how it can help you.
Mobile App – Light & Dark Mode
The Assignr mobile app now supports both Dark Mode and Light Mode.
Import Group Membership via Spreadsheet
For organizations that use the Groups feature in Assignr, you can import a list of people and assign people to groups using the spreadsheet import process.
Just add a new column to your spreadsheet, specify the name of the group, and Assignr will add these people to the group as they are imported.
Conflicts on Declined Games
We have added a check to ensure that you aren’t re-assigning an official to a game that they have previously declined.
When an official declines a game, we remove their availability for the day in an effort to ensure they are actually available on that day.
Now, when an official declines a game, if you attempt to re-assign the same official to a game, Assignr will show a potential conflict for this game assignments.
Sometimes an official will decline a game because they didn’t get assigned to the position they wanted to work. Assignr will let you re-assign this official to the game if you want to. The conflict will appear when you re-assign them to the game, but the conflict will disappear as soon as you change the assignment and save the game.
Position Abbreviations
Assignr now allows you to set the abbreviation shown for specific positions. Previously, position abbreviations were only system configurable (e.g. Referee and Down Judge would always show up as R or DJ).
Some assignors prefer to show a different abbreviation (like Ref for Referee or TK for Timekeepers), so we have enabled this configuration option on the Maintenance → Patterns menu.
Assignr API Version 1 Retired
An API is an Application Programming Interface, and is used by some customers to interface other systems with Assignr, for example, to retrieve game information from the Assignr system or push a schedule into Assignr using a script.
We have retired version 1 of the Assignr API, which has been used by a few customers since 2010. If you were previously using our API, we have already been communicating with you since January with regard to this change.
Version 2 is now the current version of the Assignr API, and has been in use for the last 18 months. The Assignr mobile app uses the API behind the scenes to communicate with our system. We also have several leagues who need programatic access to read or manipulate Assignr data who are also using version 2 of the API.
If you have no idea whether you have used the API or not, then most likely you have not used this feature.